Our passion is better analysis
At Draft Deeper, it is our passion to present NBA prospect profiles with honest, yet thoughtful evaluations and content that is meant to be educational and professional, not just for “clicks” or to boast about “being right” about a player’s outcome.
It’s important to keep in mind that any player evaluated on this website is a human being just like all of us. Despite the information and film that Cole and I have access to, any of these players can showcase talents in different areas that suggest outcomes that aren’t part of the evaluation. They can, so to speak, “prove everyone wrong” which is what makes sports in general a beautiful concept.
We by no means want to see any prospect fail, and we put forth our evaluations as if we were presenting them to a player directly, or educating someone truthfully on who and what this player does well or needs to improve on.
That’s what Draft Deeper is at it’s core and will continue to be for years to come. And that’s also why you won’t find any big boards or rankings on this website. After the 1.0 podcast series is fully wrapped up, that will be the last discussion of any sort of ranking system from Draft Deeper.
We believe in focusing the content on the aspects of the game itself, not in saying one player is definitely better than another. There are plenty of other websites to get “hot takes” and rankings. That’s not ours.
Welcome to Draft Deeper.
Nathan Grubel, Founder
*This website contains materials protected by the Fair Use guidelines of Section 107 of the Copyright Act. We do not own the rights to the images or videos used on this website. All rights reserved to the copyright owners, including the respective universities and organizations.*
*ALL PHOTOS COURTESY OF AND ATTRIBUTED TO THE PLAYERS' RESPECTIVE UNIVERSITIES AND ORGANIZATIONS* All photographic media on this website was pulled directly from the team's websites, we do not own the images used on this website*
*All statistics courtesy of Sports-Reference and Synergy Sports*